The benefits of a Trusted Advisor


A Trusted Advisor is the personal, independent sparring partner of the entrepreneur, with whom he or she can discuss absolutely everything. But what exactly does the function of a trusted advisor entail? And why should you engage a trusted advisor from ProCorporate? We are happy to explain.

What is the function of a trusted advisor?
A trusted advisor is always separate from the organization and is connected to the entrepreneur on a one-on-one basis. The interests of the entrepreneur are always paramount. You can view a trusted advisor as a strict friend and a critical supervisor with a lot of experience in entrepreneurship. He or she is both a sounding board and someone who gives advice – solicited and unsolicited. Because a trusted advisor is  neutral and detached from the organization, he or she can ask critical questions and look objectively at situations.

Why use a trusted advisor?

Erik van Toor of ProCorporate has been a trusted advisor for various entrepreneurs for years. Erik says: ” I often hear the remark ‘surely, that role could also be fulfilled by the accountant or lawyer, by the man from the bank or by just a friend?’ The reality proves otherwise. In many cases there is the question of dependency. You cannot perform the work of a trusted advisor if you are dependent on the person or company with whom you are working. Independence is the key.”

There are always times when, as an entrepreneur, you have to find your own way. Erik: “These are often issues in which the interests of shareholders, family members, the bank, colleagues or business relations may be at stake. Think, for example, of a conflict within the management or between shareholders, concerns about the financial basis of the company, investments in new markets, suspicions of fraud, or the transference, succession or sale of the company. It may also concern new matters on which you, as entrepreneur would first like to be informed.

A trusted advisor is someone with whom an entrepreneur can express his or her opinion without any reservations or consequences.

In situations like this, there is a need for a personal sounding board. Someone who will listen to the issues without any reservations or consequences and who will, in turn, provide a wise and knowledgeable response. Someone with whom you can safely think out loud, test your own perceptions and mirror the judgements of your own strengths and weaknesses. An independent person who challenges you with critical questions and uncomfortable conclusions. And that is exactly what a trusted advisor can do for you.

How does a trusted advisor work?
Erik: ‘The trusted advisor is often introduced by the current accountant, a non-executive or a friend of the entrepreneur. The collaboration usually starts with a project or problem within the organization. By tackling the issue or problem together, you immediately discover each other’s manners of working, which creates a bond of trust. This bond of trust is essential. The role of trusted advisor can only be fulfilled if there is a basis of trust, mutual respect and a high degree of independence.’

Treat yourself to a trusted advisor

ProCorporate helps you find a personal sounding board and independent counsel: a trusted advisor. Within ProCorporate, several trusted advisors are available, and we will gladly look into which personal advisor suits you.

Treat yourself to a trusted advisor. Feel free to contact us for more information or make an appointment for a personal meeting with one of our trusted advisors.

Erik van Toor
Erik van Toor

""Where there is a will, there is a way""

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